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Welcome to John P. Picone, Inc.

From start to present day, John P. Picone, Inc. has strived for excellence and our extensive experience and history of accomplishment has proven just that. Our work focuses on highly competitive projects in multiple disciplines predominantly with government agencies in and around the New York Metropolitan area.

In 2009, John P. Picone, Inc. became a Dragados USA affiliate when it was acquired by the ACS Group, an international construction and engineering organization. The acquisition was executed by Dragados Construction USA, a Dragados company, which in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Spanish construction firm.

In over half a century, John P. Picone, Inc. has established itself as a fundamental role in New York City’s infrastructure and ongoing development. Our roots go back to projects mainly focused on heavy/civil construction. However, we could not be where we are today if it were not for our ability to recognize and adapt to changing markets.